
How to calculate the number of hours between two dates in excel

CONVERT() Excel function can be very usefull in case you need to convert a given number from one measurement system to another.

CONVERT(Number, from_unit, to_unit)

Number -is the value that you want to convert
from_unit - is the unit for number
to_unit - is the unit for the result

Examples of CONVERT Function

Formula: =CONVERT(7;"day";"hr")
Description: Converts 7 days in hours
Result = 168

Formula: =CONVERT(("12-10-2014"-"05-10-2014");"day";"hr")
Description: Converts to hours the interval between 05-10-2014 and 12-10-2014
Result = 168

Formula: =CONVERT(100;"m";"in")
Description: Converts 100 meters in inches
Result = 3937.01

Formula: =CONVERT(A1;"hr";"sec")
Cell A1 = 1
Description: Converts the value in cell A1 from hours to seconds
Result = 3600

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