
Excel VLOOKUP Function explained

VLOOKUP is one of the most powerful and useful functions of Excel. Anyone that masters with this function will have their work incredibly easier.

So, how to use the VLOOKUP function ?

Using the VLOOKUP function to retrieve value from columns on the right is as easy as placing this formula in the cell where you want to have the result:  =VLOOKUP(lookup_valuetable_arraycol_index_num[range_lookup])

lookup_value - Value to be found in the first column of the table_array that you will specify.
table_array  - Table from where you want to retrieve a result based on your lookup_value
col_index_num  - Column number from the table_array from which the matching value should be returned.
[range_lookup]  - Is a logical value: to find the closest match = TRUE (sorted in ascending order); To find an exact match = FALSE

As an example, check this video:

 - In case the table_array contains more that one lookup_value, VLOOKUP will retrieve the first value found, ignoring the following ones.
 - VLOOKUP by itself can only be used to retrieve values from columns on the right. This mean that you cannot just enter (-1) on col_index_num to retrieve values from the column on the left side.

Solutions for theses two CONS will be published soon. Stay in touch.

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